Nail Fungus before and After1.jpg

Nail Fungal Infections

ND:YAG treatment offers a reliable and effective treatment without the risk of uncomfortable side effects.

What are the symptoms of nail fungus?
• Yellow streaks in the nail bed and on the underside of the nail
• A build up of debris under the nail
• A discoloured, thickened nail that may separate from the skin under the nail
• A powdery nail surface, as the infection gets worse
• A brittle and broken nail

How does the treatment work?
A series of flashes of infrared light is aimed across the whole nail, including the nail folds. This heats up and destroys the fungus that is present. To ensure complete coverage, the whole series of pulses
is repeated four times and the individual flashes overlap each other

How many sessions do I need?
We recommend a series of 1 session a week for 3 weeks followed by a follow up session 6-8 weeks after the last treatment. Some Infections will need more sessions than others, depending on how well the treatment is going. Re infection is really common so it is so important to follow the aftercare given, everything will be explained during your patch test.